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Date: 06/11/2015

The World's Weirdest Festivals ‒ Where and When

Monkey Buffet Festival, Thailand, from Credit

Forget T in the Park and Oktoberfest ‒ why not try something a little bit more out there this year? There are plenty of weird, wonderful and ever-so-slightly-crazy festivals taking place across the globe. Here are some of our top choices to check out if you are brave enough.

El Salto del Colacho, Castrillo de Murcia, Spain

If you like your festivals downright bizarre, come to Castrillo de Murcia for the Baby Jumping Festival. Literally translated as 'the devil's jump', grown men dressed as evil spirits jump over newborn babies in the street as a celebration of the Catholic feast of Corpus Christi. The festival has been a tradition here since 1620 and is held in May or June each year.

Boryeong Mud Festival, South Korea

If you fancy your festivals a bit more hands-on, there is always the Boryeong - also known as Daecheon ‒ Mud Festival, held in Daecheon, South Korea. Mud for the festivities is delivered by the truckload to Daecheon Beach and is said to be good for your skin and rich in minerals. Expect mud flat training, face painting and body painting.

Camel Wrestling Championships, Turkey

Camel wrestling is big business in Turkey's Aegean region and every January the championships are held in Selcuk. Two camels will butt each other until one is pinned or gives in. Just keep your wits about you, as you may have to move fast if the losing camel panics and runs for the crowd.

The Wife Carrying World Championships, Finland

This takes the award for the weirdest sport yet and the annual championship, held in Sonkajarvi, must be one the strangest festivals ‒ and best tests of marital stability ‒ around. Husbands must carry their wives along a course that is 253.5 metres long and features several obstacles, including an icy pool.

Monkey Buffet Festival, Thailand

Thailand's monkeys are known for their bold nature and voracious appetites. Head for Lopburi, north of Bangkok, in November to see the monkeys demolish a massive 4,000kg banquet of apples, bananas, cakes and sweets in the settings of a 10th-century temple complex. There are also monkey costumes, sculptures, music and dancing for the whole family.

You could just stick to one of the more popular festivals held across the UK, of course, but it is good to broaden your horizons every now and then and try something new. Why not give one of these a go?
