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Date: 26/07/2012

How do you feel about the Olympics?

With the Olympic circus about to roll into town, not everyone in the UK is excited about the prospect. Although much of Britain is counting down with anticipation, there are some who feel less than thrilled about the Games.

The bid to win the Olympic Games was met with jubilation and the promise that it will bring a lot of much needed revenue to the country, more important now than ever. Whilst most people can appreciate the potential value, the disruption they are facing plus the complete wall to wall TV coverage is not something they are particularly relishing.

For those living in and around the prospective venues, getting to work on time might present a challenge and employers have been asked to consider the possibility of home working to ease the burden on public transport.

There's no denying that there is a large proportion of the population who are all a-quiver as the opening ceremony edges closer, regardless of whether or not they have tickets. In surveys carried out, many have admitted that the Olympics are likely to cause them personal challenges but have said they are happy to put up with the inconvenience for what is likely to be a once in a lifetime event.

However, for those who are fervently waiting for August to roll around and the athletes to depart the UK, taking a trip away might provide much-needed respite. There are many venues in the UK offering 'Olympic free experiences' and if you prefer to go overseas, it is even easier to escape the madness.

But for all those staying behind and partaking in the atmosphere....come on Britain!
