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Date: 15/06/2013

Gadget Insurance in Demand

In today's technologically advanced world, most of us have several gadgets that carry with us on a daily basis. The cost of replacing lost, stolen or broken devices means that gadget insurance is more in demand than ever before.

Whether you head off on holiday with all your gadgets in hand or just take along one digital camera to capture some special family moments, you really can't afford to be without cover this summer.

Travel insurance with gadget cover

Most people are used to taking out a travel insurance policy before they jet off on their family break, but did you know that you can add-on to your policy, gadget insurance or winter sports cover.

Adding gadget insurance to your travel policy will ensure that all your gadgets are covered against damage or theft during your trip.

Damaged devices

Just as accidents leading to injury can unfortunately happen on holiday, it's all too easy to accidentally damage your gadgets. From sandy beaches to sticky, ice-cream covered fingers; the beach is a hazardous place for gadgets, particularly if you have children.

Cracked smartphone screens, damaged digital camera buttons and broken MP3 players are all too common.

Cover for the whole family

Of course, adding gadget insurance to your travel policy doesn't just cover your gadgets, it protects the whole family. With, kids are covered free, so you're already making great savings and with £10 million worth of medical cover and £2,000 worth of luggage cover included as standard, you'll be protected in case of injury or illness abroad, or if your possessions are lost or stolen.

As the price of owning the latest technology continues to increase and more of us than ever before rely on our gadgets on a daily basis, it's important to ensure that your expensive gadgets are protected no matter what you get up to on your travels.
