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Date: 09/05/2013

Cruise Travel Insurance for your Summer Break

If you're heading off on a luxurious cruise this summer, then Cruise Travel Insurance might be the last thing on your mind.

When you consider all the things that could go wrong on your cruise, you might be convinced to take out specialist cruise cover which will benefit you not only on but off the boat.


Cover for Illness

Because you're travelling in confined quarters and visiting many different destinations, illness outbreaks on cruise ships are all too common.

Recent outbreaks of Norovirus have caused cruises to be cancelled and passengers quarantined to their cabins - it's not all bad news though as most cruise ships provided these customers with complementary room service.

But if you don't take out special cruise insurance before your holiday, then you could fail in any claim for compensation from your regular travel policy if you become ill whilst travelling.

This is particularly important if you're visiting more exotic destinations, when stomach upsets and vomiting are common.


Losing your Belongings

If you're leaning over the side of the cruise ship to snap a perfect shot of the sunrise, you could easily drop your camera.

Whilst you'll sadly never see it or your images again, if you have travel insurance to insure your belongings, then it's just a case of making a quick phone call to claim on your policy.


The Benefits of Specialist Cruise Insurance

Adding specific cruise cover to your travel insurance policy will ensure that you're covered both at sea and in the port, with optional extras to cover you for various activities both on board the ship and at sea, such as snorkelling or darts.

You'll also be covered for cancellation or curtailment of your cruise - in the case of inclement weather or illness for example.

Specialist cruise cover could cost less than you might think and because most cruises take in a wide variety of destinations, it's important to ensure that your cruise insurance covers you for all destinations and eventualities.

You might want to take part in activities such as diving, water sports or swimming with dolphins, so insurance to protect you is a must.

You'll also be covered for your baggage in case it is lost, stolen or damaged. It can be easy to lose items on a cruise as you're often getting on and off the ship multiple times in one day.

With cruise insurance to cover your personal possessions, you can relax and enjoy your voyage.

So ensure that you are sensible and smart and remember to add cruise cover to your travel insurance before you set sail.
