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Date: 24/11/2012

10 reasons for hospital visits by Brits in Europe

Make sure you have the correct travel insurance.

When you go on holiday the last thing you want to think about is health and safety. You want to have a good time, let your hair down and forget about the stresses of day-to-day life. But unfortunately it seems that many of us are willing to take our chances when it comes to our health when on holiday. And we're taking some pretty big risks in doing so – one in five people will suffer some health-related misfortune. Let's take a look at the leading causes of hospital admission among holidaymakers.

Adventure Sports Injuries

Abseiling, surfing and other adventure sports account for a large percentage of injuries. If you're planning on doing something adventurous during your next trip, make sure you have suitable travel insurance!

Injuries While Swimming

The sea can be a dangerous place and accidents and injuries related to dangerous waters are all too common.

Accidents on the Beach

Even if you don't plan on heading out into the sea, the beach can be dangerous. Did you get a tetanus injection before you went on holiday? If not, you might want to skip those romantic barefoot walks on the beach.

Animal Bites

You know those signs that say 'Please don't feed the dogs' that you see next to the street-food vendors? They're there for a reason!

Heat Stroke

What they say about "mad dogs and Englishmen" is true. The locals don't go out in the mid-day sun and if you want to stay healthy then neither should you.

Skiing Injury

Even the most experienced skiers occasionally have accidents and if you're a novice, heading off the beginners' slopes is the worst thing you could possibly do.

Falling off a Bike

It's all too common for holidaymakers to rent a bike and then try to navigate busy streets and roads when they haven't cycled back home in decades. This is an accident waiting to happen.

Car Accidents

Unfamiliar road systems, strange cars and an overly relaxed state of mind can be a recipe for disaster. If you're planning on driving abroad, make sure you have holiday insurance that covers you for anything that might go wrong.

Food Poisoning

Drinking water from an unknown supply, eating food from street vendors and experimenting with "mystery meats" can wreak havoc on your stomach. Learning how to avoid food poisoning will help prevent a lot of holiday woes.

Travel Insurance

Its important when you are going away abroad to have the correct travel insurance if you are unsure then please call and speak to one of our expert team of advisors so we can advise you that you have the correct cover in place and enjoy your holiday.
