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Date: 23/11/2013

Travel insurance secrets

Travel insurance is an essential part of your holiday - it's as important as your flight, accommodation and even your sun tan lotion!  But there are a number of hidden secrets you need to watch out for when taking out cheap travel insurance for your holiday - here we let you in on a few of them!

Make sure you're covered

Not all insurance policies will cover you for all destinations - so make sure that you are actually covered for the location you're heading to.  Most insurers offer a range of options to choose from including European cover, worldwide cover which includes the US and Canada and worldwide cover which excludes these two destinations, so always double check before you buy.

Check what's included

If you're travelling for business, you'll probably want to take out specialist business travel insurance; likewise, if you're taking all your gadgets on holiday with you, it's a good idea to add-on gadget insurance to your basic policy.  You should always check the limits for cover, as if you are travelling with expensive sports or work equipment or taking part in high-risk activities, you may not actually be covered. If in doubt, it's a good idea to ring your insurance company before you leave, to make sure you will be covered should the worst happen.

Cover for the kids

Many travel insurance companies will offer free cover for the kids - make sure you know what exactly is covered! It can be tempting to think that you don't need separate cover for your children, and in some cases, they may be included under your family holiday insurance.  However, if you've taken out single trip cover for yourself, your child may not be covered, and if they're ill or have an accident whilst on holiday, you could find yourself shelling out for expensive medical treatment.

There are definitely a few hidden pitfalls when it comes to purchasing insurance for your travels, but be aware of what these are and you should end up with a policy which protects you and your whole family, whether you're skiing in Switzerland or lounging on a beach in French Polynesia.  Don't be tempted to go on holiday without insurance in place to protect you, as it could be the one time something happens and you actually find you need cover!
