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Date: 25/03/2011

Travel Industry starts to offer more Deals for Solo Trips

With the tourist industry famous for adding single occupancy supplements, many solo holidaymakers find the experience not only irritating, but also somewhat isolating. However, many mainstream tour operators are not only starting to remove the single person supplement, there are also several packages tailor-made for those travelling alone.

Holidaymakers hoping to enjoy a trip on their backpacker travel insurance have by far the biggest choice to pick from, with many trekking and adventure holidays already in the market and targeted at those going it alone. With gruelling expeditions as well as escorted rail trips, anyone thinking of enjoying something out of the ordinary should make sure all planned activities are covered by their single trip travel insurance.

However, the biggest change is the mainstream holiday providers who are now realising that singletons make up a far greater proportion of the British population than ever before. Being the group with statistically the greatest disposable income makes those looking for a room for one far more likely to be making the most of their single trip travel insurance and enjoying a luxurious holiday and not just backpacking.

Most solo travellers will admit that the evenings can be difficult as during the day it is often easier to find people to chat to, should the inclination arise. However, with separate dining tables there can be little opportunity for those going it alone to find company. Even for those who have enjoyed many trips on backpacker travel insurance, the prospect of dining alone again can be somewhat depressing. Now, however, tailor-made singles deals include hosts to provide evening companionship, or group sojourns, where all the holidaymakers present have travelled alone.

As well as activities available suitable for solo travellers, the expenses that enrage so many are being removed by some operators, with an increase being seen in accommodation that is sized for single person occupancy, removing the single person extra so often charged.
