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Date: 18/06/2013

Top tips to keep safe when travelling alone

Travelling alone is one of the greatest adventures, whether you decide to backpack across India, camp out in Mexico or tour Europe's capital cities; there's nothing like a couple of weeks exploring the world alone to teach you to enjoy your own company! Solo travellers often sign up for singles or solo organised holidays, where you'll travel as part of a group - the disadvantages to these sorts of holidays are the fixed itineraries, as you'll often find you have little time to yourself to explore the areas you want to visit!

Safe and Sound

It's important to think about your personal safety when you're travelling alone. Anything you would normally do to stay safe back home still applies on holiday - even if the area you're staying in feels safe, it's essential you don't take risks just because you're abroad. This means ensuring you have a safe means of transport home - whether that's a taxi, local bus or walking along a busy road where there are plenty of other people. Don't go home with strangers or be tempted to explore places off the beaten track with people you've only just met. Be cautious, be aware of your surroundings and never tell anyone where you're staying unless you know them.

Protect Yourself

As well as the above, it makes sense to ensure you're protected should anything go wrong during your travels. Nobody likes to think about the worst case scenarios, but if you're travelling solo, you can't afford to rely on anyone else - if your luggage is stolen or you become ill on holiday, you have to deal with things yourself. By taking out travel insurance before you jet off on your adventure, you can relax safe in the knowledge that you have adequate cover for your health and your possessions - medical care can often cost thousands of pounds when you're abroad!

Top Tips

A few other top tips to stay safe when travelling alone. Don't carry all your holiday money on you at one time - leave the majority in your hotel or accommodation safe and take a daily allowance, plus a little for emergencies. It helps to keep some money in your bag or wallet and some in a secure pocket - this way if your bag is stolen, you won't be stranded without any cash.

Follow the above tips and your solo travelling adventure is sure to be one to remember!
