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Date: 07/05/2014

Stay safe this summer with

Travelling with the kids in tow can be a bit stressful to say the least; not only do you need to worry about packing all those essentials like extra nappies, baby wipes and sun tan lotion, you also need to think about travel insurance to keep the whole family protected on holiday.

Why take out travel insurance?

You might be considering jetting off for a week in Spain or a fortnight in Italy without bothering to take out travel insurance - why waste your money on cover you'll never need, right? After all, your friends took their kids away on holiday and didn't bother to pay for travel insurance, so why should you? When you're travelling abroad with children, it makes sense to always ensure you have travel insurance in place to protect you. Think about how often your kids get sick or have an accident - from minor cuts and bruises to tummy aches and even a nasty cough; it's bound to be fairly regularly. When travelling abroad, you'll quickly find the costs for medical care can add up - even a visit to the doctors and a prescription can leave you seriously out of pocket. Without the NHS we rely on here in the UK, you could find yourself shelling out serious amounts of cash if your child becomes seriously ill or is involved in an accident and requires hospital treatment.

Value for money

Of course, money is always a consideration when it comes to taking out travel insurance, but with family policy, travel insurance for children is easy to organise. So easy in fact the kids are covered completely free on all standard family travel insurance policies! You'll benefit from up to £10 million of cover for medical emergencies, as well as £5,000 cover for cancellation or curtailment of your travel plans and up to £2,000 cover for lost or stolen baggage - that really is cover that you can't afford to be without this summer!

With, cheap travel insurance for children means you can save your money to spend on enjoying your holiday - buy the kids some ice cream! Wherever you are jetting off to this year, jellyfish stings, upset tummies and a few bumps and bruises are very likely, so keep your family safe and ensure you take out travel insurance for children with family travel cover from


