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Date: 01/02/2014 rated five stars from Feefo's independent feedback from users

Take out your travel insurance online and you're pretty much at the mercy of the website you choose to buy from. How do you know that they're a reputable, regulated company who will provide you with a great service? You don't, and therein lies the dilemma many of us face when shopping online for travel insurance.

Turn to Feefo

Luckily, there is an easier way to find out if the company you're looking at are efficient, reliable and trustworthy. Feefo is an independent review platform which isn't affiliated with any particular brand or site. This means that users can post reviews of their experience and opinion of the company for all to see. When it comes to looking at's reviews on Feefo, you can sort the reviews into positive and negative ones and even look for reviews on the specific type of insurance policy you're planning on taking out, making the whole process much quicker and simpler.

Feefo's five star rating has been rated an average of 97% over 205 reviews by its customers using Feefo. With so many 5 star reviews, you know that the service you'll receive from is top notch. Users posting a review on Feefo are free to say what they like and comment on any aspect of their policy or the service received, awarding the company the rating of their choice. For any neutral or negative reviews, you can see the response from, which gives you another opportunity to assess their levels of customer service.

Why the high rating?

So why has been awarded such consistently high ratings? It's easy to see why when you look at the range of travel insurance policies available and the service on offer. With an emergency helpline that's open 24/7 and a range of specialist policies covering everything from gadgets to winter sports and backpacking, there's no reason to look anywhere else for your travel cover. Children are insured free with all policies, and whether you take single or multi-trip cover, you'll benefit from up to £10 million medical emergency cover, up to £2,000 cover for lost, stolen or damaged possessions and up to £5,000 cancellation and curtailment cover - all for just a few pounds! With basic single trip cover starting from under £5 and an experienced team of customer service representatives on hand to deal with queries and claims, it's easy to see why is highly rated on Feefo.
