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Date: 28/10/2013

How to get over your post summer holiday blues

Ahh, those pesky post summer holiday blues; we all get them! It's hard to stay smiling when you've just spent a fortnight enjoying sun, sea and sand then return to good old Blighty where it's cold, dark and wet. No wonder so many of us feel blue after our summer holidays! Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can lift your spirits if you're feeling a bit under the weather after your break - here are just a few ideas to get you started!

New hobbies

Nothing keeps you busier than throwing yourself into a new hobby, and when you get back from holiday it's the perfect time to start trying new things! Whether you join a supper club, take up tap dancing or learn a new language, trying something new will lift your spirits - and if it's something which keeps you active, even better. Why not use your summer holiday as your inspiration; perhaps you've just come back from Spain, so you could take Spanish classes or learn to cook traditional Spanish food!

Get domesticated

Coming back to the UK after your summer holiday can be a bit depressing - the chances are it's cold, grey and wet outside. But this weather means it's the perfect chance to bring out your inner domestic goddess (or god). Why not fill your home with the smell of freshly baked bread or cake, whip up a batch of spicy butternut squash soup or clear out your wardrobe to make space for new clothes? You could even turn your hand to some redecorating or purchase some new home accessories such as new bed linen or candles to make your house feel cosy in time for winter.

Book another holiday

If all else fails and you can't stop thinking about that fortnight lazing on a beach in Thailand, then why not book another holiday? Of course, you don't have to jet off straight away (your bank balance probably can't take the strain!) but you could put down a deposit for next year's summer holiday, which will give you something to save for and look forward to. Spending hours researching destinations might even inspire you to travel somewhere exotic and off the beaten track - why not book an adventure holiday or volunteering break?

We all get the holiday blues and it's normal to take a few weeks to settle back into your routine of being at home and having to get up for work. But it's important to take time out for yourself, and give yourself things to look forward to, so make sure you plan a little 'me' time into each day and you'll soon be smiling again!
