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Date: 12/04/2013

Cruise Travel insurance

If you're heading off on a luxury cruise this summer, travel insurance might not be the first thing on your mind! But when you consider some of the disasters that could happen on board a cruise ship, it makes sense to ensure that you have adequate travel insurance in place.

Cruise Insurance

Specialist cruise insurance covers you whilst you're onboard the ship, but also when you venture ashore. It costs less than you might think and is easy to add to your travel insurance policy – most insurers will offer some kind of cruise cover, but always check to see exactly what level of cover you're getting for your money!

What's the worst that could happen?

Most of us know better than to ask this question, but for those still foolhardy enough to venture there, here are just a few of the disasters that could happen on your cruise:

• Falling overboard – this can and does happen! Whilst past incidents show that crew have a higher percentage chance of falling overboard than passengers, personal stress and more serious issues can lead to passengers falling overboard or even jumping, causing injury to themselves and others.

• Norovirus – recent outbreaks of this virus on European cruise ships has caused the whole cruise to come to a halt. Passengers were quarantined in their cabins and free room service was provided as well as medical attention for all those who needed it.

• Malfunctions on the ship – these incidents are thankfully rare, but fires, tilting and other such incidents do occur from time to time, leaving passengers injured or worse. Always ensure you have insurance in place to cover you if you are injured as a result of an accident onboard.

Hopefully you won't experience any of these disasters whilst you're on holiday, but it makes sense to protect yourself with cruise insurance, in case the worst does happen!
