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Date: 14/08/2015

Books Abroad

Woman on rest - reading a book

When it comes to lounging with a bestseller on the beach, are you a traditional paperback book type or do you prefer the modern features of an e-reader? Whichever camp you fall into, one thing is for sure ‒ no holiday is complete without at least one really good book to read by the pool or on the beach. Reading is the perfect way to relax in the sun!

E-readers ‒ the benefits

With new restrictions being placed on cabin baggage and hold baggage by many airlines, travelling light is more important than ever before. If you simply must take six pairs of shoes on holiday with you, something has got to give; in this case an e-reader is a great bet, as it means leaving those bulky, heavy paperback and hardback books at home and travelling with all your favourite books stored on one handy gadget. If you are a fast reader you may find an e-reader even more convenient, as you can download new books whilst you are abroad ‒ provided you have access to the internet ‒ and you will never be caught short for reading material on those lazy days at the beach.

The cons of technology

There are those who despise e-readers, claiming that the more we use them, the more we are contributing to the demise of the book; however, most people who own an e-reader still regularly buy print books and you may find you end up reading more when you purchase an e-reader, as e-books are usually significantly cheaper than their printed counterparts. There are some cons, however. What if you break your e-reader on your travels? A spilled drink, close encounter with the sea or even standing on the screen could mean the end to your trusted travel companion. With cheap gadget travel insurance, these worries are a thing of the past. Your insurance will protect you if your e-reader is damaged, lost or stolen ‒ no more worries.

Traditional books

It is up to you whether you prefer traditional paperbacks to an e-reader packed with useful features. Some people may prefer to read 'traditional' books at home and keep their e-reader for their travels, which is perfectly acceptable. E-readers are a great way to minimise your packing, as there is no need to try to squeeze half a dozen books into your case for your holiday in Thailand or hunt for English-language bookshops after a week at your destination. Whatever your preference, there is no denying the convenience of e-readers when travelling abroad this summer.
