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Date: 25/02/2014

Age is just a number

~ but don't let that number put you off going on holiday this year

Just because you're over 65 doesn't mean you can't enjoy all the things other people enjoy on their holidays every year. Fancy bowling, golfing or even a spot of hiking? Why not; life's too short to sit around whilst people tell you that you should be slowing down at your age. Just make sure you have over 65 travel insurance with, so you are protected no matter where your travel adventures take you.

What's on offer with Travel Insurance

Cheap over 65 travel insurance provides you with everything you would expect from travel cover- you'll still benefit from up to £10 million cover for medical emergencies, £5,000 cancellation and curtailment cover and up to £2,000 for lost or stolen possessions. However you'll also be covered for a range of activities including golf, hiking and fishing, and you can even add optional cover for cruises and other types of holidays. Provided you don't have a pre-existing medical condition, over 65 travel cover with will give you all the protection you need on your travels this year; if you do have a pre-existing medical condition, there are other types of cover available to you.

Silver surfers with Travel Insurance

The term 'silver surfer' usually applies to those over 50 using the internet, but why not go a bit wild on your holiday this year and take to the waves? Just because you're over 65, doesn't mean you can't enjoy extreme sports or an active break; exercise is good for you and it's a great way to keep fit. Provided you take out travel cover before you go, there's no reason why you can't be every bit as active as the grandchildren on holiday this year.

Choose your destination with Travel Insurance

It's up to you whether you choose a destination that's ideally suited to older travellers or just pick somewhere you've always wanted to go. If you're travelling alone, a holiday designed for those over 60 or a tour with included activities and excursions is a great way to make new friends and have an action-packed holiday. You could even enjoy a trekking or activity holiday if you're feeling like something really active!

Age is nothing but a number, and don't let that number get in the way of a fantastic holiday this year; the world is your oyster, especially when you have cheap over 65 travel insurance from to protect you.
